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Within our areas of expertise, we will help you to navigate through the challenges of your business.

Mangement consulting
Image by Sean Pollock

real estate


 project development

We are able to source through our network in Europe investment opportunities in commercial & luxury real estate.

real estate intermedation

business angels activity

Advisory to Start-up’s and Investments

We can help you to create a compelling business case to present to potential investors, layout the basis of an investors-relation platform and identify potential investors for the specific business of the start-up. We will conduct the funding campaign together with your team.

Business angels

advisory in

venture & private

equity financing

We can assist startups to raise early and growth stage funding from different kind of
investors such as VC funds, Angel Investors, HNWIs and Family Offices.

Venture & privat equity
Image by Sergey Zolkin



and board positions

With a network of senior executives in the financial and insurance industry, we can help you to find the right individuals for your business.

Interim management

technical advisory to

insurance and reinsurance


We can provide technical support to evaluate the entry into new lines of business or new markets. We can help you to prepare business plans and to carry out portfolio reviews or carrying out a due diligence for a potential acquisition

technicl adviory
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